Westerton Care Home Residents at Blair Drummond Safari Park

Residents Enjoy a Trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park

The trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park wasn’t just about a day out—it was designed to give the residents something fresh and exciting to look forward to. At Westerton Care Home, there’s a strong focus on offering a wide variety of activities that stimulate both body and mind. A visit to the safari park was the perfect way to shake up the routine and introduce the residents to something a bit different. For many of them, being surrounded by wildlife and open spaces was a refreshing change that sparked plenty of conversation and laughter.

Experiencing the animals up close, from lions and giraffes to meerkats and zebras, was a fantastic opportunity to see creatures they might not encounter every day. These types of experiences can have a profound impact on mental wellbeing, offering stimulation through new sights, sounds, and even smells. It’s not just about seeing the animals—being in nature and soaking up the fresh air is something that can’t be underestimated.

A Day of Fresh Air and Wildlife

There’s nothing quite like a breath of fresh air to lift the spirits, and the residents certainly made the most of their time outdoors. Blair Drummond Safari Park provided a lovely backdrop for them to stretch their legs and take in the sights. Taking it steady, the residents enjoyed wandering through the park, stopping now and then to admire the animals. Whether it was the towering giraffes or the playful lemurs, each enclosure brought something special to the day.

The highlight for many was the drive-through safari, which allowed the residents to stay comfortably in the minibus while still getting an up-close view of some of the park’s larger animals. There’s something quite thrilling about seeing lions or rhinos just a few feet away, and the smiles on their faces made it clear how much they were enjoying the experience.

Enjoying the Fresh Air

Trips like this don’t just benefit the residents—they help build a real sense of community within Westerton Care Home in Bearsden. When everyone is out of their usual environment, it’s easier to come together, share a laugh, and create connections. For the staff, too, it’s a chance to interact with the residents in a more relaxed setting, getting to know them better outside the usual day-to-day routines.

These outings also provide a break from the everyday, something to look forward to and talk about long after the day is over. Whether it’s sharing stories about which animals they saw or recounting the fun of the safari tour, the trip continues to bring joy even after the residents are back at home. The Activities Team at Westerton are great at making sure that there’s always something new and exciting just around the corner and we love it when residents tell us what they fancy doing.

More Adventures to Come

This trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park is just one example of how Western Care Home is committed to providing a fulfilling and engaging lifestyle for its residents. The care home team is constantly thinking of new ways to keep the activity schedule varied and exciting, ensuring that residents have the opportunity to explore, learn, and enjoy life beyond the care home’s walls.

Outings like this don’t just happen once—they’re part of a wider effort to bring the outside world in, offering residents the chance to continue having new experiences, even as they age. With more trips and activities on the horizon, there’s always something to look forward to. Whether it’s another day out at a local attraction or an event at the care home itself, the focus remains on making sure every resident feels connected, valued, and part of a vibrant community.

If you're interested in how we can support your loved one, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us today to discuss our services and book a tour.

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